Smiling action-Children's smile

We are making children with a heart.
There is also an idea of one wearing one.
So I would like to deliver to the last one.
Oth also product
Now of some of the children's children
If you can smile more,
I want to make a movement with the same thought people.
I launched this project with such a thought.
Smile action initiatives
■ Hashtag "#egaoaction" Project
Children's smile#egaoactionInInstagramPlease post to!
Every 10 posts gather to deliver a petit min-dress clothes to children's children.
We will introduce you to the situation we delivered.
■ Smiling children of each country to "child's day" around the world
There is a "child's day" in all countries around the world, and the day is different depending on the country.
We hope for children's healthy growth, deliver clothes to children in the world.
On the day of children from around the world,InstagramWe will share your smile with everyone.
(Photos to be released are posted by getting the permission of the parties)
We will answer the following questions about the assumed question.
Q1 Do you have any conditions on the photos to be posted?
Anything is OK if your child's smile has been shown.
If there is a resistance to giving out your face, it may be a photograph that is transmitted with a smile and funny fun.
You can not wear Petitmig children's clothes.
Q2 Do you only post one photo?
No, any number of posts is OK.
If you post more than one photo in one post, one post is considered as a post.
If you are a photograph of a smile, we will count everything and deliver clothes to children in the world, one by 10 posts.
Q3 How do I post in Instagram?
On the posting screen,#egaoactionEnter and post a hashtag.
Please be aware that it is not recognized as a hashtag when you put a space between the hashtag (#) and the letters or if you put a space between characters.
Q4 Is there a case sensitive to the hashtag case?
There is no case of case sensitive.
Q5 Posted in "# smile action" but is it useful?
It becomes effective#egaoactionPlease note that only.
Q6 Is it useful for posting with private accounts?
Posts that are private other than a specific user, accounts are not eligible.
Q7 Do you want to post to the Instagram Stories?
Instagram Stories are not eligible. Please note that only feed posts will be posted.
We Make Children's Clothes with All Our Heart and Feeling Behind Each and Every Piece.
ThereFore, We Want to Continue Delivering Every Last Piece of Clothing to the Children.
IF Our Products CAN BLOSSOM Children's Smiles in Some Countries Now, We Want to Create A Movement with Like-Minded People.
With that in Mind, We Launched this project.
Post #egaoaction with a photo of your children's smiles.
PETITMIG Will Take Action for The Smiles of Children Waiting Elsewhere.
Hoping THAT The Smiles Generated All Over The World Will Come Together.
-One Petitmig Clothing Piece Will Be Sent Overseas for Every 10 Hashtags Posted.
-A Part of Our Sales Profit Will Be Donated to Charity Organisations.
-The Collected Photos May Be Used ONLY The Consent of the Individual and Family.